You'll Blink On This - Trust Me
Ok...I'd say something like what I'm about to tell you only happens in the Deep South, but I know it doesn't. However, this did happen in the Deep South, as relayed by my Sheriff Deputy friend.
She gets to work all the sexual assault cases because she's a woman, lucky her, I know. So she gets a call, sexual assault on a 5 year old girl, yes 5. She does what she needs to do, takes the kid to the hospital, stays with her, the nurse does and exam, sure enough, there's evidence and there's "blue stuff" on the child's genitals.
Signs point to the 11 year old cousin, so yes, they are cousins. He denies it of course, they examine him and there's "blue stuff" on his penis, so they know it's him. No, I don't know how it was that they got to examine the 11 year old too, but they did.
The 11 year old's mom, are you sitting down?, She doesn't see ANYTHING wrong with it, they're just kids, they're "curious". It's pretty much cut and dry until the mom gets a LAWYER to fight it, because she "doesn't want her child to be known as THAT!"
So today, my friend is sitting in court, wasting her time on what is CLEARLY a case of an 11 year old basically trying to fuck his 5 year old cousin.
Oh and the "blue stuff" popsicle...he used it for "lube". But I suppose that's just curiosity too.
Sometimes I just want to run away to the middle of nowhere and become some crazy ass hermit. I just hate knowing that things like this happen.
*sigh* sounds like the kind of people I do DNA testing on.... ICK!
why? WHY? or better yet, HOW? HOW did an eleven year old child become so desensitized and cruel? AND WTF is THAT mother thinking? It's normal? It's cute? Someone ought to look into HER background... Here's what I'm saying ~ as a Dr. of Psych. THAT boy learned it from somewhere... anyone looking at the MOM?
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