Lock Bumping
This is worth looking into. I saw it on the news. Lock Bumping
When someone, who's involved with someone else says this to you...names have been removed to protect the innocent. the ones without a screen name is the other person.
Just to give you all a little insight on the lesbian dating world here in the ATL, I went to match.com and copy and pasted some of the "finer" descriptions on how people present themselves to the world. In other words, this is how these people see themselves. I'll translate in paraenthesis.
While watching Grey's Anatomy last night, I re-discovered one of my favorite bands, Travis. They're from Scotland and if it's not Scottish, it's CRAP! These are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.
I. HAVE. HAD. IT. I'm tired of busting my ass for nothing. Company reviews....tell us how you contribute to the company...well... "gee, I was HAND PICKED to work on a PROMINENT WEBSITE for an IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL..." ok, that's enough out of your "little lady." Yeah I got a raise, PITTANCE. But here's the thing...they say they're performanced base - my ASS. It's who can suck dick the hardest, because let me say this, my performance is TOP notch and I've been told so. Yet some of my co-workers can fuck off all day online and get a raise too???
A Co-worker sent this to me. Enjoy.
I've got the dreaded cold, bad. So although I do have some thoughts swirling aroun my head, I can't seem to concentrate long enough to get them in order.
To borrow from a favorite Rascal Flatts song, My Wish, this is what I wish for ALL of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL.