Just a little more insight into who I am and if I repeat myself from an earlier post, forgive me, it's something I'm prone to do.
-I love burnt toast, but only if the bread it white bread. Black on the outside, white and smooshy in the middle.
-Hot wings - 2 words - LOVE THEM!
-I like to do yardwork, alot and I mean all of it, from grass cutting to landscaping, it gives me a sense of accomplishment.
-I'm 50/50. 50% book smart, 50% common sense - so yeah I can build you a deck AND figure out what's wrong with your MySpace page.
-I am leery(leary?) of people who do not have laugh lines around their eyes.
-My father threw me out when I was 19, I've been on my own ever since. I don't hate him.
-Furthermore, I am not a man-hater either and it baffles me when I hear women bash men so severely.
-I don't hate anyone. I may strongly dislike some people, but I don't hate anyone.
-I LOVE MY DOG - MAX - even if he's not perfect.
-The car I have was given to me. No I am not spoiled.
-I put myself through college via scholarships, full-time work and student loans.
-I drank heavily in college - I do not do this anymore.
-I dye my hair.
-I drink a glass of Soy Light Chocolate Milk every morning - if I can't have this, my day doesn't feel right.
-I have a huge weakness for cheese. All kinds EXCEPT the orange kind. Ask if you want to know more.
-I am not a picky eater.
-I go to the gym on a regular basis.
-I cannot run as far as I use to because I pulled my MCL - well a drunk fell on me at a bar - ask if you're curious.
-I love the feel of soft grass.
-I have 2 kites. A dragon and a stunt kite, because I am that good. No, I cannot fly them simultaneously.
-I have a thing for toothpaste and toothbrushes and will buy them even if I don't need them.
-I have 23 pairs of shoes.
-I have no less than 32 Bath and Body shower gels and sugar scrubs in my bathroom.
-I have eaten a dog biscuit before just to see what they tasted like.
-My car is spotlessly clean.
-I can tell the differnce between Fescue, Bermuda and Kentucky Blue Grass - nerd, I know.
-Everytime I use Oil of Olay I think of my grandmother.
-I will have my first mammogram at the end of April 2007.
-I miss being a teaching so much that I am going back to it. Because there, I made a difference.
-I am anal when it comes to the cleanliness of my surroundings.
-If I could be any Super Hero, I would be Aquaman, because he could swim underwater for a long time and communicate with marine life.
-I like the smell of fresh cut grass and gasoline.
-The smell of burnt hair makes me gag.
-I love the way the sun feels on my back.
-I prefer earth tones and deep blue colors, but my car is red.
-I think I look better with my glasses on rather than off.
That's it for now, I'm sure I'll justify adding more quirks soon enough
-The smell of burnt hair makes me gag.