The following is an email exchange between a co-worker and myself. Feel free to leave any comments and thoughts.
Happy Friday!
I’ll take this opportunity to speak up and express that I disagree with the quote:
"Reputation is character minus what you've been caught doing."
Michael Iapoce
Reputation is character minus what others have accused you of doing or ones opinion of you. It becomes attached and known as “reputation” when no one bold enough to stand up for the other individual and find out the truth. Generally an individual never knows their reputation because very few people are honest enough to express what they truly think.
And in closing if are caught doing something wrong, you are guilty of that particular act; therefore, it’s no longer an opinion.
Thank you for allowing me to speak up…remember there is no such thing as a stupid question or statement in my opinion.
You got smarts REAL GOOD, why you been holdin’ out? HOLLA – now in all seriousness, I totally disagree with you. Reputation is character minus what others have accused you of doing or ones opinion of you. Reputation is what you know in your heart of hearts to be the solid foundation on which you as a whole, hopes, dreams, fears, physically and mentally stand upon – no one can rock that foundation UNLESS you believe what they say about you – that in turn is called slander.
It becomes attached and known as “reputation” when no one bold enough to stand up for the other individual and find out the truth. – in the words of, I believe, it was Eleanor Roosevelt, “no one can make you feel inferior without YOUR consent.” – when YOU allow others to bad mouth YOU, only YOU are responsible. If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for everything and that includes someone attempting to ruin your reputation.
Generally an individual never knows their reputation because very few people are honest enough to express what they truly think. – Of course we know our own reputations, we only have to look within and pay attention to the actions, not words that are going on about us. Regardless, it doesn’t matter what others say, what matters is that you believe in yourself and the abilities you possess.
And in closing if are caught doing something wrong, you are guilty of that particular act; therefore, it’s no longer an opinion – of course if you’re caught doing something wrong you are guilty of that particular act, that’s common sense. However, the problem comes in when people can’t forget what you’ve done and therefore, your REPUTATON precedes you based on your actions. I think this varies in degree, if, for example, you’re late for work, big deal, many people are late for work, for varying reasons. BUT…if you harm someone, kick your pets, molest a child, etc, then yes, people shouldn’t forget. It is that character flaw that affects your reputation. But again, YOU are responsible for your character, which in turn affects your reputation.
That is my response – and this made my brain hurt, so don’t send anymore philosophical questions my way – whew.
Your thoughts?